
Can alpaca wool fabric be washed?

Can alpaca wool fabric be washed?

Alpaca wool fabric is a type of textile that is made from the protein fibers of alpacas. Unlike synthetic fibers, wool is an animal-based material that has unique properties and characteristics. One of the most notable features of wool fabric is its tendency to shrink when exposed to heat or moisture. This makes it important

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Nano tech illustrations03 01

Fu Fang factory through the instant cool textiles batch by batch inspection

In response to a recent sample test conducted by the Consumer’s Foundation on 10 items of commercially available cool clothes, five items sold by uni-mart and other vendors failed to meet the standards, the tTAC, which promotes the promotion and service of functional Textile’s certification, said that it had no record of uni-mart applying for

Fu Fang factory through the instant cool textiles batch by batch inspection Read More »

Bamboo charcoal fiber fabric

Bamboo charcoal fiber fabric

Bamboo carbon fiber fabric is made from Taiwanese Meng Zong bamboo that is calcined at a high temperature of 800°C, and then processed using nano-grinding and biochemical technology. This makes the bamboo carbon fiber fabric have the functions of moisture absorption, deodorization and far-infrared rays, and it also has the function of negative ions. Since

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File 0164

What are the structural characteristics of double-layer thickened woven fabric?

Double layer thickened woven fabrics are mainly obtained in four ways, as follows: 1>Composite and film. The principle is the same. When a fabric is stacked with other fabrics or films, its natural thickness will increase accordingly, forming a double-layer structure. This processing technology is a kind of finishing process. This technology is not unfamiliar

What are the structural characteristics of double-layer thickened woven fabric? Read More »